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School of Management invited 7 International Scholars for 2020 International Summer School Lessons

Date:2020-08-28  Source:  ClickTimes:

During the July and August of 2020, 7 international scholars were invited for 8 International Summer School Lessons.

Each year, scholars were invited to visit School of Management for Lessons of International Summer School. Due to COVID-19of this year, all lessons were given online and seven international scholars were invited, they are Professor Jun Xia from The University of Texas at Dallas, Professor Vinod R. Singhal from Georgia Institute of Technology, Professor Haoxun Chen from Université de technologie de Troyes, Professor Giovanna Lo Nigro from University of Palermo, Professor Kevin W. Li from University of Windsor, Associate Professor Enes Unal from Cranfield University and Associate Professor Haiming Hang from University of Bath.

Prof.Jun Xiagave lesson on topic“Organization and Strategy Theory”and the lesson has attracted more than 100 listeners. During the lesson, Jun Xia has discussed in-depth the definition of“Theory”and the method to build a theory. He then explained the“Resource Dependence Theory”、“Institutional Theory”、“Population Ecology”、“Transaction Cost Theory”and“Stakeholder Theory”, their utilization and research hopspot. Prof. Xia encouraged also the students to learn the thinking method of classic papers but not only the content of a paper.

Prof.Vinod R. Singhalgave lesson on topic“Event Study”and the lesson has attracted more than40 listeners.Prof. Singhal started the course with“Empirical research framework”, then introduced the paper framework by“Theory, models, and observations”and“Impact on (non) financial measures”. Prof. Singhal encouraged also the students to participate into the lesson and answers to questions of students carefully.

Prof.Haoxun Chengave lesson on topic “Leading Trend Of Managerial Theories: Special Issue For Optimization Theory, Methods And Applications”and the lesson has attracted more than 70 students. The lesson is started by decision-making issues in industry and service systems. Prof. Chenencouragesthe students to think after lesson, to help students consolidate course knowledge.

Prof.Giovanna Lo Nigro gave lesson on topic “Corporate Finance”. The aim of the course is to provide theories and instruments to operate in the corporate finance field. Spanning from financial mathematics to investments evaluation, from interest rate, relationship between risk and rate of return to financial portfolio management, from bonds and stocks evaluation to real options, the students will be able to evaluate a corporate financial structure and to make decisions about it.

Prof.Kevin W. Ligave lesson on topic “Quantitative Techniques in Management”.Prof. Li gave lesson on using Excel and its add-ins as basic tools to develop practical management science models for making decisions in a variety of business settings.This course has been offered to upper-year undergraduate and graduate students in the Odette School of Business at the University of Windsor in Canada.

Associate Professor Enes Unal gave lesson on topic “Circular Business Model innovation”.He explained in details the definition of circular business and its background, the 5 kinds of circular business and its 9 internal structures. The final part of his lesson, 6 groups of students were divided for case study. The course helps students to have a depth understood in circular business and a chance to have case study in English.

Associate Professor Haiming Hanggave lesson on topic “Research Methods”And “Global Marketing”.Forcourseof“Research Methods”,The aims are to help students to understand the importance of research as an aid to management decision making and to evaluate the relative merits of different types of research. More specifically this module underpins and prepares students to plan, design and conduct their own independent research based project. And for course of “Global Marketing”, it aims to provide the knowledge and understanding of the marketing issues in the development of global marketing activities and the role of marketing in society as the organization seeks profitable relationships.

Totally8 lessonswere given during the summer of 2020 and theInternational Summer Schoolof School of Management was finished successfully.

Contact us:international.som@nwpu.edu.cn

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